MCPEDL » Brandon Taylor

Brandon Taylor

My name is Brandon Taylor, and I am writing articles about different games, Minecraft PE in particular.

Brandon Taylor

About the author

I am studying at university. I have a lot of hobbies: games, scientific research, reading, graphic design, animation. Furthermore, I especially like to travel and explore the nature of different countries.

Brandon Taylor


I found out about MCPE at the end of 2013. It became my favorite game instantly. I adore building in survival and I know all about multiplayer games. Then decided to create my little blog where I can share my experience. Thus, now I have I also develop my own maps, mods, and texture packs.

Mobile application: Skin Editor

I recently released a mobile application on Google Play Brandon Taylorskin editor for Minecraft PE.

Brandon Taylor

Social networks

I also wrote articles for such social networks as Reddit, Pinterest and Twitter, did reviews on YouTube and shared my skills in MCPE:

  1. TwitterBrandon Taylor
  2. Pinterestpinterest
  3. YouTubeBrandon Taylor
  4. Mediummedium
  5. Facebookmini-facebook
  6. TikToktiktok blog
  7. Telegramtelegram blog
  8. Instagraminstagram blog


Two more people work in the MCPEDL team:

Brandon Taylor
Anna: designer, copywriter, experienced Minecraft player.

Brandon Taylor
Eduardo: mobile apps developer, MCPE maps and mods creator.

Together we create content, share the best addons and constantly improve our skills.

We publish information about vacancies, and if you want to join the team, contact us.


I have a family. I am married, have a little daughter of two and a half years. She is already interested in Minecraft and I show her how to use the game.

Brandon Taylor


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instagram blogtelegram blogtiktok blog