Minecraft 1.22 apk free Download
Download Minecraft Bedrock 1.22 Update for free on mobile: try to find Pale Garden, get hanging moss there, and defeat Creaking!

Minecraft version 1.22: Last Update
Developers are paying more and more attention to feedback from players and in Minecraft 1.22, users receive updates more often. There are also drops - small changes that occur even more often.
The developers have created Pale Garden. This is an area consisting of gray trees covered with hanging moss. Players will also find paleoak blocks here.
At night, Creaking appears in Minecraft Bedrock Edition 1.22 - a unique mob controlled by a special unit that players will have to destroy in order to defeat the creature.
Players can also try the new PlayStation version.
It is worth paying attention to the fact that the usual Mob Vote is no longer there, but the interaction of developers with MCPE 1.22 players will take place constantly so that the game develops.