Minecraft PE 0.1.3

Version MCPE 0.1.3 for Android
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Download Minecraft 0.1.3 for Android: create buildings from various blocks on your mobile devices, play with friends in multiplayer mode.

What’s newly added to Minecraft PE 0.1.3?

The developers of the blocky world Mojang company have fixed the shortcomings of previous versions. They also worked on the performance and stability of Minecraft Pocket Edition 0.1.3.

Multiplayer mode

Fans of playing online will appreciate the multiplayer mode of Minecraft PE 0.1.3. The main change is the chunk loading speed. If in previous versions players crashed when connecting, now everything has become much faster in the updated version of the game.
The graphics of the game have become better. There is also an additional option to adjust the sensitivity of the screen.


The number of blocks continues to increase. Now wool, bricks, and other building materials are presented in a variety of colors. Minecraft Pocket Edition 0.1.3 player can use multi-colored glass when installing windows in houses.
Previously, the player could not get all the blocks. In the updated version of the popular game, this flaw has been fixed. Now Steve can replenish his inventory with ores, dynamite, gravel, clay, and wood.

The long-awaited addition waits for minecraft players. Now cactuses grow in desert biomes.

Landscape generation

In the existing versions, the world is not so big. It is limited in size in space. Therefore, long-distance travel is not yet possible. But the developers of Minecraft Pocket Edition 0.1.3 are constantly working on improving the block world.
The interface of the popular sandbox has also changed. Now it is adapted to the screens of mobile devices and tablets. This makes it much easier for the user to set up the menu and play.

Also, the authors of the blocked world have worked out snow-covered blocks in the game. Thanks to the improved image, they now look more realistic.


Why the multiplayer game doesn't work?

Be sure the the access point on the device is turned on.

Where can I get the construction blocks?

All items are in the inventory box.

How can Steve fly?

He can only build and jump.
