Minecraft PE 0.14.3

Version 0.14.3 for Android
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Download Minecraft PE 0.14.3 Overworld Update for free on Android: ender pearls, maps, item frames, red sandstones, and more.

What’s new in MCPE 0.14.3?

This relatively small update features not so much compared to the major overhauls. However, Minecraft PE 0.14.3 does feature some fantastic-looking and also useful blocks.


For instance, MCPE 0.14.3 introduced maps for the first time. Users can craft those using nine pieces of paper. Yet, one won’t see itself because of an exclusive feature.

It appears you must apply a compass to the map, so it shows your location. Therefore users will have to find Redstone and iron anyway.

Obviously, you can navigate without it, but it will be much more challenging. Moreover, if you want to zoom it in or out or clone it, make and utilize an anvil.

Generally, Minecraft PE 0.14.3 maps will help you out enormously.

Item frames & Slimes

On the other hand, MCPE 0.14.3 has items frames you can fabricate and apply to place anything you hold in your arms. Consequently, one can put a sword, a stone, or a piece of armor on it.

It also has a bit different sounds compared to the Java Edition of the game. Item frames are manufactured of sticks and one lot of leather.

As a matter of fact, hunting or wandering in the swamps can result in a surplus of slime balls. Minecraft PE 0.14.3 offers you a solution by adding slime blocks that are composed of nine slime drops.


Developers also presented Ender pearls, but one cannot get them since they have no functionality. Moreover, even Creative users aren’t able to obtain it.

Still, there are new minecarts. For example, users can now afford a minecart with a chest or TNT on it. You are free to store stuff in the first one and blow up caves with the second one in MCPE 0.14.3.

There’s also one with a hopper. It even emits smoke when broken. It collects belongings near it and fits them inside.


How do I make a minecart in MCPE 0.14.3?

It is produced out of five iron ingots: place them like in a boat recipe.

How often do witches spawn now?

They still appear quite seldom.

Do I have to find Redstone to make a map?

No, you are free to make a map with only nine sheets of paper.
