Minecraft PE 0.15.1

Version 0.15.1 for Android
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Download Minecraft PE 0.15.1 Friendly Update for free on Android: horses, donkeys, mules, new armor sets, and even jungle temples.

What’s new in MCPE 0.15.1?

Minecraft PE 0.15.1 features quite a large quantity of exciting and thrilling things that players will most likely enjoy. Horses are doubtlessly the most apparent and appalling one.

Equine things

Unadorned and coarse-featured plains have never been an inviting place to explore. All you can find there were villages and tons of flowers.

However, horses and their cousins inhabit this place. You’ll find them quite often nearly everywhere in MCPE 0.15.1. Of course, you can tame and use them for your own purposes.

The way you do it is a bit bizarre: one must mount them till they eventually love them. However, you can speed up this insulting process by bringing and feeding some wheat to a lovely horse you’ve found.

Minecraft PE 0.15.1 additionally introduced horse armor and saddles — two essential things you can’t ride anyone without.

A saddle can be found throughout the world’s chests here and there. One cannot produce one, unfortunately. But you would also like to have a set of armor for your horse.

It is unnecessary, though, but leather, iron, and golden armor would look magnificent on your fellow in MCPE 0.15.1.

Donkeys & Mules

Furthermore, some lucky players will seldom encounter donkeys as well. They are not as frequent as horses, though. The best part about them is their ability to carry your belonging.

Therefore try composing some firm chests and put them on a donkey in Minecraft PE 0.15.1. Notwithstanding, a mule is more potent than a jack.

But one must breed a horse and a burro first: mules do not spawn naturally in this sandbox survival.

As you can see, there are a lot of new animals with some exciting and fresh possibilities.


What do horses drop in MCPE 0.15.1?

They drop only leather.

Can I tame a mule?

Yes, you can do it.

Do I need wheat to tame a donkey?

You don't have to feed wheat to tame it.
