Minecraft PE 0.15.8

Version MCPE 0.15.8 for Android
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Download Minecraft 0.15.8 for Android, and craft unique blocks in the MCPE world!

What’s newly added to Minecraft PE 0.15.8?

Another version that fixes the errors of the last update. In Minecraft PE 0.15.8, as in the past, Mojang paid special attention to changing textures.

Now, in addition to the Natural pack, the Fantasy set has also appeared in the game. Thanks to such innovations, the world around the player look many times better and memorable. The objects now look much better and more realistic.

Jungle temple

Another hidden structure in Minecraft PE 0.15.8 is not easy to find for an ordinary player. The temple is almost the same as in the desert. The differences are visible only in the external design, but the essence is the same. Both here and here, in the lower part of the structure, there are many chests with a variety of treasures.

You should be careful because there will be several traps on the way to each item’s chest. Complicating the task of finding an object is also the fact that all trees are extremely tall and tightly adjacent to each other in the jungle biome. Due to this feature, the visibility in this area is poor.

Dangerous mobs

In addition to standard opponents, such as spiders, zombies, or skeletons in Minecraft PE 0.15.8, their modified versions also appeared – Stray and Husk. They are extremely similar to their counterparts, but they still have their own distinctive features.

For example, stray is found exclusively in cold and snowy biomes. At the same time, husk prefers deserts and hot climates. If such a mob falls into the water, it will turn into an ordinary zombie.


To begin with, there are several varieties of horses in Minecraft PE 0.15.8. In addition to the standard one, which you can find in almost every biome, mules and donkeys. These are rarer varieties, and the chance of their appearance is very small.

The plus is that it is very convenient to ride horses over long distances. Donkeys and mules in Minecraft PE 0.15.8 will help you transfer objects. For example, the same chests if you attach them to them.


Can textures be installed without BlockLauncher?

Yes, for this you need to drop the folder with the texture pack along the path games/com.mojang/resource_packs.

How to ride a pig?

For this, a saddle must be used.

How to craft a saddle?

It can only be found in various structures and dungeons.
