Minecraft PE 0.15.9

Version MCPE 0.15.9 for Android
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What’s newly added to Minecraft PE 0.15.9?

First of all, do not forget that new mobs and opponents have appeared in Minecraft PE 0.15.9. From that, the very process of research and survival has become many times more interesting and exciting. In addition, in previous versions, a bug was noticed with the disappearance of stairs. This bug has been successfully fixed.

It should be noted that there is also a change in generation in Minecraft PE 0.15.9. New types of villages have appeared, and the materials for building structures have changed in many settlements. For example, instead of oak wood, pine is now used.

Jungle Temple

One of the unique structures presented in Minecraft PE 0.15.9. This object is located in the jungle and is of great value for those who love adventure and treasure. Finding the temple is rather difficult since tall trees surround it.

These trees are not only tall but also tightly adjacent to each other. Because of this generation, it is challenging to see anything. But if you still manage to find the temple, then be careful. Many traps are waiting for the character below.

New skins

In addition to fixing bugs, Mojang Studios has added another Minecon skin pack. A feature of the presented pack is that now official support for raincoats has been introduced in Minecraft 0.15.9.

Another nice bonus, which cannot but rejoice, all skins are absolutely free, unlike other previously presented packs. All that remains for the player is to use these interesting skins and enjoy the game.

New items

In Minecraft PE 0.15.9, there were such things as a tag, a leash, a fishing rod with a carrot, a variety of arrows, horse armor. Most of these objects are not as functional as, for example, a bucket or a map. However, they still have their own unique features.

So, horse armor can protect a horse if enemy mobs suddenly attack the user. A fishing rod in Minecraft 0.15.9 will help cope with a saddled pig, and the tag makes it possible to call neutral characters by different names.


Can textures be installed without BlockLauncher?

Yes, for this you need to drop the folder with the texture pack along the path games/com.mojang/resource_packs.

How to ride a pig?

For this, a saddle must be used.

How to craft a saddle?

It can only be found in various structures and dungeons.
