Minecraft PE 1.1.1

Version 1.1.1 for Android
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Download Minecraft PE 1.1.1 Discovery Update for free on Android: Vindicators and Evokers, Vexes and Polar Bears, concrete powder, and other blocks.

What’s new in MCPE 1.1.1?

Developers introduced a whole new dungeon hidden in the dark woods of Minecraft PE 1.1.1. This place has a lot of exciting stuff to explore and possess.

For instance, there are already a few hostile mobs ready to slaughter users from around the world. On the other hand, you can find some secret chambers with hidden chests full of epic loot.


Despite this update being focused more on the brand new area in the Dark Forest, there are neutral and somewhat cute mobs. Highland llamas are now a thing in MCPE 1.1.1.

They have quite a few unique features. First off, you can gather a whole caravan of dozens of llamas. All you need to do is to tame a few of them.

Additionally, you can put on some carpets, so llamas look distinct and unparalleled. Now, users must use a lead on one of the beasts, and others will follow him instantly.

Furthermore, you can arrange some chests, so they could bear your belongings in Minecraft PE 1.1.1.

The amount of available slots depends on each llama’s strength unit.


Since this update has “Discovery” in its title, there are many changes to how you explore stuff and travel worldwide. For example, there are Explorer maps.

You can get those in villages across the Overworld in MCPE 1.1.1. Cartographer is a new villager occupation that masters maps and exploration. Users should trade with him if they need empty maps, compasses, and more.

Generally, they sell plans with different destinations: to Underwater Temple or Woodland Mansion.

Mojang Studios have even added an off-hand slot, so you could place maps or arrows there. Technically, it’s your left arm in Minecraft PE 1.1.1. It can be your right one if you’re lefty.


What do I tame a llama with in MCPE 1.1.1?

Use wheat and try mounting it.

What do I do with concrete powder?

Place it in water and you get a concrete block.

What do Vexes drop?

They don't drop anything since they are intagible.
