Minecraft PE 1.12.1

Version 1.12.1 for Android
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Download Minecraft PE 1.12.1 Village & Pillage for free on Android: a few gameplay enhancements and minor improvements make the game unforgettable.

MCPE 1.12.1 Features

Mojang Studios continues to improve different aspects of the game. It is necessary to get rid of all possible bugs and errors players can come across.

That is done to guarantee a stable and smooth gaming experience. Minecraft PE 1.12.1 focuses on those parts of the game that lack of permanence.

Now, sandbox survival should feel way better it did since many of its crucial aspects have been bettered. For example, swift elytra are less laggy in MCPE 1.12.1.

It turns out users couldn’t use them, because worlds were not able to keep up loading chunks that fast. Therefore it had to be solved.


Developers had put hard work into achieving the best possible gaming experience. Like, multiple Ender dragons can no longer spawn simultaneously in Minecraft PE 1.12.1.

By the way, some Nintendo Switch users were not capable of logging in their Microsoft Account. It’s used to sync your Marketplace purchases and to play on public servers.

On the other hand, players will no longer get stuck on the “Generating World” phase. This error could occur when you were in the End.

Luckily for all adventurers and explorers, your game is working fine once again in MCPE 1.12.1.


Generally, Minecraft PE 1.12.1 is quite a miserable update compared with others. There is only one block added to the game — a camera. Moreover, this block is entirely useless.

Camera block currently has no functionality in the game. However, you can still get it through the /give command.

MCPE 1.12.1 has no new biomes or weapons, or new mobs. All you can encounter here is bug fixes and general enhancements.

Nonetheless, this update has something to offer to the content makers, who are in constant need of unknown features being added to the game.

Some data packs separated from now on.


What are the new sounds in MCPE 1.12.1?

A few mobs gained fresh sound effects.

Is this update stable for playing?

Yes, there are fewer bugs.

Why would you need a camera block in the game?

Unfortunately, it's unknown since it has no functions.
