Minecraft PE 1.16.1

Version 1.16.1 for Android
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Download Minecraft PE 1.16.1 Nether Update for free on Android: improved gameplay, piglin brutes, tons of fixes, and emotes.

What is new in MCPE 1.16.1?

Mojang Studios has been working hard to make the release of the Nether Update as smooth as possible. Although it’s already happened, they are still adding new stuff to the game.

For example, the latest beta version added piglin brutes. Minecraft PE 1.16.1 has improved them once again. Besides, the brand new emotes are now accessible and working as expected.

It turns out players were able to use unavailable emotes. You can get these emotes by getting achievements or by buying them in the Marketplace.

However, several users could use emotes they did not possess. It’s been fixed in MCPE 1.16.1.


This version is mainly all about minor corrections to solve most of the problems gamers could face. For example, some players are using controllers.

You can generally interact with anything you want, but the recipes were the only place you couldn’t get to. Minecraft PE 1.16.1 deals with this issue quite swimmingly.

Users can choose and switch between different recipe options such as wood types or dyes. By the way, some emotes could suspend the game, which is no longer a problem in MCPE 1.16.1.


The previously added Piglin Brutes have become even stronger and harsher than usual. These wild creatures spawn in Bastions and are to protect their chests.

You cannot trade with them. Brutes do not care about gold or anything shiny in Minecraft PE 1.16.1. Additionally, they now use axes, which are quite powerful weapons.

That’s why you should do your best to try to shoot them from a distance. Luckily, no brute wields a crossbow or a simple bow.

All in all, the game’s just ameliorated.


Where can I find Piglin Brutes in MCPE 1.16.1?

They inhabit the Bastions.

Can you trade with brutes?

No, they only love and can fighting.

How do I get more emotes?

Open the Marketplace and you'll find them there.
