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Minecraft PE

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Download Minecraft PE Nether Update for free on Android: more Vanilla parity changes, stability and performance improvements, and much more.

Minecraft Bedrock

Mojang Studios continues to enhance most of the game’s aspects, making everything better and more suitable for more players.

For instance, your game will no longer crash when you open a Shulker box you are staying on. Many users have reported this unpleasant error that could result in a progress loss.

By the way, Minecraft PE has become less laggy and more stable than ever before, thanks to some internal corrections.

Vanilla Parity

This update’s main changes are concerning the interedition differences. It turns out some of the sandbox’s versions had exclusive features.

However, Mojang Studios has always been working on making gameplay the same on all available platforms. Therefore it modified some stuff in MCPE

For example, sea turtles now play a unique sound when they lay eggs. It already existed on the Java Edition of the game. Now, it’s available on Bedrock too.

Moreover, these marine creatures and dolphins will now try to reach water once got on land. Dolphins cannot live without water for more than two minutes, so it’s necessary for them to get underwater.

On the other hand, experience orbs now float in water in Minecraft PE It means you no longer have to dive to get them.

Additionally, there are some Netherite movements on lava changes as well. Its behavior is more predictable.

General changes

Furthermore, Mojang Studios have made TNT no longer activable by placing a Redstone Torch directly on it. It means you’ll have to put it either on sides or underneath it.

Plus, the Basalt block has strengthened, so ghast cannot break them. It also takes more time to destroy it with a pickaxe in MCPE

Generally, developers did their best to ensure stable and engaging gameplay.


Where can I get Netherite in MCPE

It can be found on lower levels of the Nether.

What's the best way to get some XP?

Just mine some quartz.

Can I get gold in the Nether?

Yes, you can find Nether gold ore.
