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Minecraft PE 1.16.20

Version 1.16.20 for Android
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Download Minecraft PE 1.16.20 Nether Update for free on Android: there are many improvements and general enhancements.

What’s new in MCPE 1.16.20?

Mojang Studios continues to innovate their game, bettering it every time they release another beta version. It turns out the achievements menu has been renewed this time.

Minecraft PE 1.16.20 also improves quite a lot of other game’s aspects. For instance, some graphical changes can be in the game.

Besides, this update is a massive leap from the technical perspective since most of all data has been either revamped or rewritten generally.


Mojang Studios made it quite clear that Bedrock and Java Editions of the game will soon be the same. Therefore they keep changing some old parts to make sure their promise is held.

MCPE 1.16.20 also introduced an entirely enhanced achievement menu, which looks way better than before. Plus, it’s easier to navigate know.

Developers said they are going to listen to the fans and take their feedback rather seriously. They say it’s crucial for them to understand what the community wants.

For example, these new achievements from Minecraft PE 1.16.20 can get lost if players are not happy with them, so it’s to them to decide.


The Swedish sandbox survival game is popular for neither graphics nor its engine but the gameplay.

However, another significant part of it is its addons and numerous texture packs on the Web. They could have happened without enjoyable data packs.

Thus devs are trying to make it even more accessible for MCPE 1.16.20 players to create something new. Many engine components have been redone hence.

Although many might not notice it, others will find it extremely useful and convenient.

Furthermore, devs have changed some old blocks a bit. It turns out a loom used to make banners faster won’t cause an out of memory crash.

Moreover, new piglin brutes and ordinary piglins can spawn with enchanted weapons in Minecraft PE 1.16.20. It makes them harder to defeat.


Where can I find my achievements in MCPE 1.16.20?

You can find them in Your Profile menu.

How do I get to the Nether?

Build a portal out of ten obsidian blocks and lit it with flint and steel.

Can I tame striders?

No, you cannot tame them, but you can mount them.
