Minecraft PE 1.17.0

Version MCPE 1.17.0 for Android
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Download Minecraft PE 1.17.0 release for Android with a working Xbox Live and mine fragile amethyst crystals, break blocks of raw and melting ore, and go into caves searching for tuff.

What has been added in Minecraft PE 1.17.0?

The developers at Mojang Studios continue to delight us with novelties from the large-scale update of “Caves & Cliffs”. Now players can explore a new amethyst biome interspersed with clusters in Minecraft PE 1.17.0.

You can also test out the spyglass, a new item that can be crafted from copper ingots. The update turned out to be intense and very colorful, thanks to the implemented mechanics and a changed block extraction system.

Amethysts and geodes

One of the new resources in MCPE 1.17.0 is amethyst. It is a gem that is generated in small caves called amethyst geodes. When the player interacts with the blocks – for example, walks on them, hits them with a pickaxe, or simply breaks them – there is a characteristic bell sound.

Amethyst geodes contain not only strong blocks but also small crystals. The player will not be able to get them in any way, only to break them thanks to tools or mechanisms.


Another innovation in Minecraft PE 1.17.0 is the spyglass. With its help, you can bring the desired object closer and see everything well from afar.

It is worth noting that, when using the pipe, the user begins to experience the same effect that occurs when wearing a carved pumpkin. In the game, the item is especially useful if you need to study distant objects.

Melting ore

The developers decided to modify the mining of ore in the cubic world of MCPE 1.17.0. To get the ingots of the required resource, you will need to melt the drops of the required ore in the furnace.

This system has several advantages. First, there is the emergence of realism in the caves. Second, there is more free space in the inventory and rooms.

Raw ore

Minecraft PE 1.17.0 also drops blocks of gold ore, iron, and copper. Only now, the so-called raw ore will appear, not ingots. They call it that because the droplets that it produces are the raw materials.


Where do I get a bundle from in MCPE 1.17.0?

They are made of rabbit hides and a string.

How do I make a candle?

Use honeycomb and a string.

Where do I find amethyst geodes?

They spawn all throughout the world.
