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Minecraft PE 1.17.34

Version MCPE 1.17.34 for Android
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Download Minecraft 1.17.34 for Android with a working Xbox Live: check out the changes in the gameplay and the new graphics engine.

Full Version Minecraft PE 1.17.34 Release

Minecraft Bedrock 1.17.34 is a new update from the Caves and Cliffs update. As the name implies, the topic of the update is dedicated to mountains and caves, and it consists of two parts. The release version introduced several interesting innovations to the game, which the user will familiarize himself with. The changes affected the gameplay and not only.

The developers from Mojang Studios in Minecraft 1.17.34 have fixed many errors in the game world itself. For example, a bug due to which light blocks caused the player to appear on the surface of the Overworld. Do not forget about the appearance of a new graphics engine – Render Dragon.


Speaking of new features in the gameplay, the Experimental mode is worth mentioning. It will allow Steve to try new items that have not yet appeared in the official release.

Experiments in Minecraft 1.17.34 allow one to try out the changes from the Caves and Cliffs: Part 2 update. But you should still take into account that these functions are test functions and may not work properly or not work at all.

Structural block

The structural block in Minecraft PE 1.17.34 received a new mode, significantly increasing the convenience of using it. This mode can be used to mark an area for the automatic calculation of structure boundaries. To do this, Steve will need to place structural blocks in the corners of the desired area.

Render Dragon

This innovation will be very useful for the player in Minecraft 1.17.34 if he lacks realism. From now on, Android devices will use the new RenderDragon graphics engine. In Minecraft update 1.17.34, developers focused on lighting and realistic shadows in the game, which will make it even more realistic.


Where do I get a bundle from in Minecraft Bedrock Edition 1.17.34?

They are made of rabbit hides and a string.

How do I make a candle?

Use honeycomb and a string.

Where do I find amethyst geodes?

They spawn all throughout the world.
