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Minecraft PE 1.19.83

Version MCPE 1.19.83 for Android
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Download Minecraft PE 1.19.83 Trails and Tales Release for free on Android: use smithing templates to create unique armor, get new achievements, and spawn Sniffer!

Minecraft 1.19.83 Release

Mojang team continues to delight the game fans with changes. In Minecraft PE players can find everything for survival and many unusual items for more interesting gameplay. There are significantly fewer issues, so users can freely explore Cherry Groves, search for ancient seeds, and use archaeological options.

Armor and shields changing

Some items in Minecraft 1.19.83 players can change. For example, armor can be decorated using smithing templates. Players should look for these items in Trail Ruins, deserts and other places. The developers have also added the ability to get a new achievement. To do this, the user must apply eight armor templates.

To get a unique shield, the player must take a banner and connect these items. At the same time, it is possible to take only empty shields without any patterns.


One of the unique inhabitants of the Minecraft PE 1.19.83 game world is a Sniffer. The creature of bright color and hatches from eggs like a dinosaur. In creative mode, a special egg appears in the inventory to spawn the mob.

The main function of the Sniffer is to find the way to places where rare seeds are hidden. For example, a player can find a torchflower by following the animal. There are the improved the textures of the Sniffer eggs in this game update.


Cherry Grove remains the most picturesque place for updating the Trail and Tales Update. Guests of this biome in Minecraft 1.19.83 can enjoy the view of blossom trees, but also take fallen petals to make dye. By the way, cherry wood is an excellent material for construction and crafting.

In this biome, players can even meet animals, such as pigs.


What players can craft from cherry petals?

Pink dye.

How to get ancient seeds?

Sniffer can find them.

How to decorate armor?

Players should find smithing templates.
