Minecraft PE 1.2.11

Version 1.2.11 for Android
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Download Minecraft PE 1.2.11 Better Together for free on Android: parrots, banners, flags, stained glass, ravines, the recipe book, and more.

What’s new in MCPE 1.2.11?

Better Together introduces quite a unique list of items ranging from blocks and items to generation changes and pets in Minecraft PE 1.2.11.

Structure block

This fundamental block is not yet available on mobile devices but is already present on other platforms. First of all, its functionality is nearly the same as the command block’s one.

MCPE 1.2.11 users possessing it can copy and paste whole areas with utterly no limitations whatsoever. Obviously, there’s a peak area, but it’s quite large, so you won’t even reach it.

Structure blocks are represented in four different options. One of them allows you to select and point out the borders of a copied place.

Another one copies the whole construction in Minecraft PE 1.2.11, and the third one puts it down somewhere else.

Other blocks

There is also coarse dirt that generates only in cold, snowy biomes. Its main and only difference is that you have to use a hoe twice before becoming plantable in MCPE 1.2.11.

Coarse soil has a bit changed textures, so you could tell it’s not a regular one. Moreover, jukeboxes are now officially a part of this sandbox survival.

A precious diamond is what’s required to invent one with wooden planks. Notwithstanding, you’ll also need music discs. These recordings appear in chests of all structures in Minecraft PE 1.2.11.

Therefore it won’t be a problem for you to compose one and eventually listen to calming and sometimes funky songs.


Mojang Studios also made some vital improvements to keep the game fresh and working. For example, cautious admiring observers now detect more block changes in MCPE 1.2.11.

Its signal has also become more potent. By the way, iron bars and glass panels have a rod-shaped model henceforth.

They are no longer in the form of a cross.


How do I get a structure block in MCPE 1.2.11?

It's only available through the /give command.

Can I get banners by crafting?

Yes, you can.

How do I tame a parrot?

Use any seeds to befriend them.
