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Minecraft 1.21.61

Version MCPE for Android
Get it for free! Release! The Garden Awakens Update.
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Download Minecraft PE 1.21.61 free The Garden Awakens for Android with a working Xbox Live: walk through the game biomes in search of cold and warm pigs!

Minecraft Release

Experienced users know that there are already quite a lot of animals in the game, but the developers manage to introduce something new into the world every time. Minecraft PE 1.21.61 features not only regular pigs, but also two unique new variants: warm and cold.

Mojang developers are also giving players the opportunity to observe beautiful foliage particles in this update.

Leaf particles

Players have the opportunity to see many beautiful details in Minecraft PE 1.21.61. For example, they may notice new leaf particles on some trees. This can be seen on birches, oaks, mangroves, and some other species. This adds dynamics and some realism to the game.

Pig variants in Minecraft 1.21.61

Walking through warm and cold biomes, Minecraft PE 1.21.61 players can see new pig variants. Animals look different due to the textures. The behavior of these creatures remains the same.

Users can still get meat from these animals.

Pale Garden

Minecraft players should go to the Pale Garden for unusual wood. The biome consists entirely of unique gray trees that serve as the basis for buildings and crafting. It is worth waiting until night to see the mobs that inhabit these places.

There is also a hanging moss on site, which serves as a decorative block.


At night, a strange tree-like creature can be seen in the Pale Gardens. Because the entity has bright, burning eyes, it can be seen from afar. Creaking has been changed several times during Minecraft Bedrock Edition 1.21 development, getting new details. It is worth noting that without a special block, this  The mob will not attack the players.

While running away from Creaking, players can enter portals without the risk that the creature will follow them.


What pigs players can find?

Cold and warm.

Where does Creaking spawn?

In pale Garden.

What blocks players can get in Pale Garden?

Hanging Moss, Pale Oak wood.
