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Minecraft PE

Version for Android
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Download Minecraft PE Update Aquatic for free on Android: epic leaderboards, the Hive server, and more adjustments.

What’s new in MCPE

Mojang Studios has worked hard enough to deliver more enhancements and regularities this game badly needed. Minecraft PE already features plenty of bug fixes.


A plethora of server hosts has been asking for the scoreboards for a long time now. This vital part played a significant role in many mini-games throughout the Internet.

You could see and track down your wins and loses, kills and deaths, XP, and purchases.

However, we had no scoreboard system before MCPE

Luckily, developers are continually listening to the fans and deliver their most craved desires and wishes. You can apply your idea on their feedback website any minute now.

Besides, it is effortless indeed to create a scoreboard. Start typing /scoreboard and then follow the instructions appearing in the chat, and you’ll make your first leaderboard in Minecraft PE

Featured Servers

Notwithstanding these fancy timetables, a new exciting and thrilling server indeed joins the world of MCPE, meaning everyone can easily connect to it and have fun with their friends.

The Hive is another featured public server with numerous various mini-games, outstanding mechanics and systems, a marvelous-looking hub, and much more.

Nearly everyone can have legit fun and spend some time without even realizing how fast time goes in The Hive of Minecraft PE


MCPE players can additionally eat food in Creative, including chorus plants. One can even drink milk and potions from now on.

On the other hand, raw and cooked fish is now called raw and cooked cod. Generally, users will now feel better due to engineering works and more.


What do I with scoreboards in MCPE

One should set these up only on servers.

How do I get a scoreboard working?

Type /scoreboard and follow the tips.

Can I join the Hive?

Yes, this server is public, and anyone can join it.
