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Minecraft PE

Version for Android
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Download Minecraft PE Update Aquatic for free on Android: leaderboards, numerous bug fixes, game rules, significant changes, and improvements in Creative.

What’s new in MCPE

Developers are wrapping out the Update Aquatic and finally switching to Village & Pillage, after all. However, there are still some adjustments to be made to make sure everything works in the best way possible.

Minecraft PE has a plethora of bug fixes repairing the most notorious and ill-behaved issues. For instance, devs removed the “Down with O.P.P!” splash from this sandbox survival.

On the other hand, fibrous and cooked fish has been renamed to raw and cooked cod, respectively. Further, Nintendo Switch users can now play with 128x resolution texture packs in MCPE


Besides, you may type @ to see the players list and effortlessly navigate between your friends or other users on public servers.

Still, typing @ with someone’s name is the way to mention him. Mentioned messages will be highlighted with a yellow tint, so the user wouldn’t miss them in Minecraft PE

Marketplace has been drastically redone as well. It is way more comfortable and intuitive to work with sorting and the search bar. Even filters can be understood with no trouble.

There’s a share button that links the content you can share with your friend or colleagues in MCPE
The pause menu also features the “Invite to game” button. Press it and pick mates you’d like to join your game.

As a matter of fact, the world’s name you are currently playing is shown on top of the pause screen in Minecraft PE


Creative mode allows everyone to be gods in MCPE However, no user could previously eat or drink anything when in Creative. It’s been repaired in this update.

Moderators, admins, and other users of Creative can consume any type of food, including the chorus plant.


How do I join the Hive in MCPE

Open the Server tab and press the Join button.

How do I create a scoreboard?

Type /scoreboard to start making one.

Can I drink potions in Creative?

Yes, you can do it from now on.
