Minecraft PE 0.3.0

Version MCPE 0.3.0 for Android
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Download Minecraft 0.3.0 for Android: use the Crafting Table to create items, meet new mobs of the blocked world.

What’s newly added to Minecraft PE 0.3.0?

One of the main and long-awaited innovations of the block world of Minecraft Pocket Edition 0.3.0 is the ability to craft items. In other words, the player can now create any items, including weapons and blocks.

While the variety is not so great, however, the most necessary things can already be created. Basic recipes allow Steve to create tools that are so necessary for construction.

The items in the inventory are no longer infinite. Therefore, now Minecraft PE 0.3.0 players should work hard to create them. Blocks can now not only be stacked on top of each other, but also break everything. It is better to use destruction in extreme cases. After all, the popular sandbox involves creation.

Now every player can leave any moment in the game as a souvenir. Moreover, the updated version has a camera.

Crafting Table

A Minecraft Pocket Edition 0.3.0 player needs a Crafting Table to create new items. To create each item, there are recipes where the amount of each ingredient is prescribed.

In the inventory, a user can always check how many ingredients are available. If there are not enough resources, he needs to go to mine.
The recipe for creating a Crafting Table is very simple: the wood blocks in a three-by-three grid.


Previous versions added zombies, sheep and cows to the game. Zombies were aggressive characters in the game. In Minecraft PE 0.3.0, the developers have increased the number of friendly inhabitants of the blocky world and added chickens and cows.

Each mob has a loot that can be obtained. Cows have skin, chickens have feathers. These trophies are necessary for the creation of books and paper. Loot is items that fall out when either a mob dies or blocks are destroyed.


The main change in the Minecraft Pocket Edition 0.3.0 block world is the value of iron that has appeared. Iron ore in previous versions was only decorative and had no other functionality. It could be found anywhere in the game world.

Now Steve can’t do without iron when creating weapons and tools. In almost every recipe, iron ore is a necessary ingredient. Many items that are crafted with iron are needed in survival mode.


What is the paper crafting recipe?

To get paper in Minecraft, a player needs 3 sugar canes.

How to craft scissors and bricks?

In Minecraft PE 0.3.0, it is impossible to craft these items.

What are the Pickaxe crafting ingredients?

You need three boards and two wooden sticks.
