Minecraft PE 0.7.5

Version MCPE 0.7.5 for Android
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Download Minecraft PE 0.7.5 for Android: try a new building material, build a company for livestock, assemble a team of players from all over the world.

What’s newly added to Minecraft PE 0.7.5?

Mojang Studio developers have released a new version of Minecraft Pocket Edition 0.7.5. Thanks to the Realms mode, players can create teams and improve the blocky world together. And also there is a new opportunity to create your game servers.


If a Minecraft PE 0.7.5 user plays in the creative game mode, iron buckets are available to him. And if the player gets hungry he can take a bucket to milk the cow. He can do it by simply pressing and holding the mouse cursor on the cow.

Spawn Eggs

Cows, as well as pigs and sheep, and chickens, are now available to Minecraft Pocket Edition 0.7.5 players. To create them, Steve should  find the appropriate Spawn Egg and create as many animals as he wants.

Eggs can be spawned only in the creative game mode.


In the game appeared a terrible weapon defeat. This is fire. Fire in Minecraft PE 0.7.5 can burn any objects as well as fuel blocks located nearby. It is also deadly for game users and other living creatures.

You can use buckets of water to extinguish the fire.

Multiplayer game

Minecraft Pocket Edition 0.7.5 has a multiplayer mode. Fans of the blocky world have been waiting for this addition since Minecon in 2012. Players can create their servers with the game, invite each other, and enjoy together discovering the endless game fields.


In Minecraft 0.7.5, users can create their servers to play with friends. A special section has been added for this into the game menu. The player must fil it with the IP address and port in the right field to connect to the server everywhere .

If a player fixes the cursor over the plate, it will have an outline. This option was previously available only on the computer version of the game, now it has been added to pocket editions.


Why the multiplayer game doesn't work?

Be sure the the access point on the device is turned on.

How can I play with people from another country?

The developers have created a Realms service.

What can I get with the Spawn Egg?

Spawn Egg can create cow, sheep, chicken and pig.
