Minecraft PE 1.16.0

Version for Android
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Download Minecraft PE 1.16.0 Nether Update for free on Android: bug fixes, improvements, and enhancements are now in the game.

What is new in MCPE

This release version comes out on the 23.rd of June 2020. The long-awaited journey will finally continue in this dangerous place.

You may expect to meet mountable Striders, tradable Piglins, and edible Hoglins. Besides, there are new biomes in Minecraft PE 1.16.0.

All in all, this update brings lots of fun and joy of exploration.


Mojang Studios announced to introduce cozy biomes to the Nether and did it. There are five distinct regions in that ominous world. Soul Sand Valley, for example, is the place of the dead.

You can find lots of skeletons, basalt pillars, and ancient fossils with a blue flame. Apparently, if you light any soul block, it will be burning blue in MCPE 1.16.0.

This update has changed the Nether that drastically that there are even woods in there. Crimson and Warped Forests are where piglins usually live and hunt hoglins.

Meanwhile, you can also find magma cubes in Basalt Deltas since this region is there home now.


Generally, there are four new mobs, but good old zombie pigmen have been changed as well. They are called zombified piglins and play a less critical role in the Nether’s ecosystem.

On the other hand, piglins are now the predominant part of this morbid-looking world in Minecraft PE 1.16.0. Whereas hoglins walk around woods in search of food, and a user actually fits all criteria of a nice meal.

At the same time, Striders are friendly creatures you can mount and use as transport. A player would need a saddle and a warped fungus to attract them.


Mojang Studios also did a great job fixing existing problems and improving the game’s performance.

All in all, MCPE 1.16.0 feels much better than ever before.

According to the devs, we will be able to launch the game even on the weakest phones.


What is new in MCPE 1.16.0?

There are piglins, hoglins, and other stuff in the game now.

What's the main point of Minecraft PE 1.16.0?

Devs fixed the multiplayer bug and other minor problems adding tons of great features along the way.

Where can I find striders?

Usually, they are hanging out on lava lakes.