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Minecraft PE

Version MCPE for Android
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Download Minecraft PE for android with a working Xbox Live: master the new game mode, and play your favorite tunes on the updated record.

What’s new in Minecraft

The Mojang Studios creators pleased fans with the Minecraft PE Edition. In addition to improvements to existing game elements, the developers offer players a new game mode.

Spectator Mode

In Minecraft added a mode that allows a user to fly around the world through all barriers. The developers have added an experimental switch to the world creation menu.

To activate the mode, enter the command /gamemode spectator in the game itself.

In the active mode, the creatures do not notice the players. Also, the tension sensor does not work on players in this mode.

Music Disc 5

The authors of Minecraft PE presented a new version of the Music Disc. It is created from fragments of plate 5. A total of 9 pieces of such discs are needed to craft it.

Fragments of Disc 5 are found in the chests of the Ancient City.


The authors of Minecraft have finalized the Warden. His sonic attack got better. Instead of 30 units of damage, now he deals just 10. Recharge is reduced to 2 seconds.

Now the Mob can pass through Armor and Shields. He drops the Sculk Catalyst. His anger changes if a player distracts him a lot with bullets.

Error Corrections

The developers have fixed more than 22 bugs in Minecraft PE Most of them concern the Mangrove Swamp biome. Mangrove shoots are not fertilized after maturation. Mangrove trees cannot grow if there are blocks on top.

Steve can cut the foliage of mangrove trees with scissors.

Mangrove wood can be used for crafting a smokehouse and lighting fires. The sound animation of the Sculk Blocks has been fixed: now they make the correct sounds.

Also, the piston will not work on some Sculk Blocks. If a Minecraft player uses Bone Meal, he will be able to germinate Seedlings even in Mud.


How can I protect myself from the Warden?

Use a Sculk Shrieker.

Are there any new blocks in the update?

You can find Reinforced Deepslate in the Ancient City.

Are there any plants in Lush caves?

There are a lot of glowing lianas.
