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Faithful 128×128 Texture Pack for Minecraft PE

Version MCPE 1.7.0 - 1.21.70 for Android
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Download Faithful 128×128 Texture Pack for Minecraft PE: use a high-quality analog to standard textures, appreciate the special style of the author.

Faithful 128x Texture Pack for MCPE

Faithful 128×128 Textures are smoothed pack for Bedrock Edition with high resolution. They are based on the original textures of the Minecraft PE blocky world. It is somewhat similar to “Faithful”, but thanks to the high resolution (128×128) a player will enjoy all the beauty of the Minecraft PE world.


The authors created a Faithful 128×128 Texture Pack to increase the level of detailed study of all construction blocks in Minecraft PE. When creating their supplement, they were based on Vanilla textures. The result was impressive, the game becomes much more beautiful while maintaining its unique atmosphere. Now, even at the maximum approximation, a user won’t be able to distinguish individual pixels.

This set of textures has no errors. “Blurred blocks” effect is not a modification error. It’s all about the power of the phone. When an Android device cannot process textures it automatically scales them to 16×16.

The author does not recommend this pack on the weak devices.

HD Style

Faithful 128×128 Texture Pack is perhaps one of the best-developed resource packs to the smallest detail for a comfortable Minecraft PE game. Textures are created in 128x resolution in cartoon style. It gives them the right to be called HD textures. They are almost completely analogous to vanilla textures, only slightly changing them.

The author drew these textures using a brush. It turned out very nicely.

It should immediately be taken into account that on weak devices it is possible not to correctly display new graphic elements, which makes the use of this pack not desirable.


After the player download the Faithful 128×128 Texture Pack there are some steps follow to:

  • Run the file on your device;
  • After importing textures, launch Minecraft PE;
  • Open the World Settings;
  • Activate the desired textures in the masonry Resource Sets;
  • Restart the game;
  • Open the desired world with the settings set;
  • Done!


How do I install this texture pack?

The file is in .mcpack extension, so just tap on the file to automatically install the modification.

What if the texture pack doesn't work?

Try to activate the experimental game mode.

Can this texture pack be run in a multiplayer game?

Yes, for this it is enough just to be the owner of the map and install this modification on it.
